You Are Running Out of Battery

Multimedia Installation, Offline Network | 2018


Do you need a moment of calm? Join the “YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF BATTERY” network and relax.

This site-specific installation creates an intimate space whitin the exhibition where, joining the offline network “YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF BATTERY”, visitors can disconnect to their online and offline lives scrolling down through the meditation website.

Visitors are invited to use their personal devices.


Do you need a moment of calm? Join the “YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF BATTERY” network and relax.

This site-specific installation creates an intimate space whitin the exhibition where, joining the offline network “YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF BATTERY”, visitors can disconnect to their online and offline lives scrolling down through the meditation website.

Visitors are invited to use their personal devices.


2018 You Are Running out of Battery, Link Cabinet.


Scrolling, the act of moving contents up and down on a screen, is probably the most common gesture we do within our daily interaction with computers and smartphones. The act of scrolling on a screen feeds the content bulimia that characterizes our relationship with the web, the continuous need to see something always new popping up at every scroll, generating a potentially infinite feed.

With YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF BATTERY, S()fia Braga focuses her attention on this very act and on the peculiar modality of browsing between contents that it fosters, namely what in web design is know as infinite scrolling. The work creates and offers to the user a unusual and non-functional way to browse contents, one that triggers the desire to continue scrolling, moving forward and deeper in a stream of visual and aesthetics elements. Browser windows and tabs, notifications and alerts as well as structural and architectural elements of the graphic interface (GUI) are mounted and combined in a long and endless collage.

This deconstruction of the web interfaces leads an aesthetic experience that exhorts the user to observe the everyday nature of the web from an unusual point of view, transforming the act of scrolling in a meditation experience.


Text by: Matteo Cremonesi